Life & Career Planning, LLC

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Are You Feeling Stuck?

These are the voices of the people we coach and teach.

  • “I’m so sick of my job.  I really need to do something else.”  
  • “I am so tired of running all the time to keep up – and I feel like I’m failing at work and at home.”
  • “I’ve gone from job to job, but what do I really want to do?” 
  • “I am a successful executive and yet I feel somehow there’s more for me.”
  • “How do I know what career options I have to live the life that I want”
  • “Retirement is not that far off and I haven’t even thought about it” 

Many are at a crossroads. They are anxious to get their careers and lives in order but feel stuck. Some are executives in good jobs but feeling unfulfilled.  Others are managers who feel trapped where they are. Almost all appear busy and stressed.   A lack of personal fulfillment, financial worries, and fear of the unknown keep them up at night. Still, others are just starting out on their career journeys. They all desperately want to have control of their lives.

Many are at a crossroads. They are anxious to get their careers and lives in order but feel stuck.

Do you feel this way too?

Our message to you is clear:  You can be more in control than you believe and can achieve success and personal happiness, but you need to think and act like the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of your own life. This is the essence of Life & Career Planning. Be that CEO.

We all know that effective organizations continually review, evaluate and refine their action plans for success through a process called “strategic thinking and planning.” The CEO and others in the organization periodically take a candid look at the company’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges, finances and competitive set in a changing marketplace to plan for action to better control their future. Good companies are also opportunistic. They look for those actions that can be taken now to improve their positions.

But what about you?

How ironic that this activity happens all the time in our workplaces, yet few consider the same approach or model for their own lives. Life & Career Planning takes this observation to its logical next step: the need to create a strategic plan for your life while being assertive about the opportunities that arise each day. 

Life & Career Planning directs you through the process of being the CEO of your life, turning malaise, fear or uncertainty into an action plan for personal and professional success. While no one can predict the future, anyone can pursue a course of his or her own design to find more happiness.  

Turn your dreams into an enduring action plan that can achieve your desired results. Life & Career Planning is the spark that can light your fire.

There are no overnight tricks to finding true insight.  The real trick is to invest thought, time and effort in developing a meaningful and disciplined plan that will enable you to weather unforeseen challenges with resilience, confidence, and self-direction while at the same time, helping you to make choices as opportunities present themselves. Deep self-assessment and reflection can be uncomfortable and is not easy.  It may trigger thoughts that have been avoided, resulting in inaction and “feeling stuck." 

The ultimate purpose of Life & Career Planning is to help you better understand your life and career and how they are integrated and to move from where you are, to an action plan, to where you want to be for your life and career. Turn your dreams into an enduring action plan that can achieve your desired results. Life & Career Planning is the spark that can light your fire.

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